Blockscan, the team behind Etherscan has recently released Blockscan Chat in beta. The Etherscan messaging platform allows users to send instant messages to other wallets by simply connecting their own wallet. This feature is now available to all Ethereum-compatible addresses.

DM wallet to wallet now! Credit: Blockscan Chat
On the surface, this messaging feature may seem like just another instant messaging platform. However, the wallet-to-wallet capability unlocks many opportunities within the Ethereum community. The Twitter community has flooded the thread with innovative ideas and opportunities that are made possible via this feature.
What can you do?
Although Blockscan Chat runs on a centralized platform, users still appreciate the ability to communicate while protecting their anonymity and privacy. For instance, NFT collectors that wish to remain anonymous can utilize this feature to negotiate purchases. The messaging feature can also bypass expensive gas fees and transaction fees from NFT marketplaces the likes of OpenSea. Considering the prices of NFTs these days, this can amount to quite a bit of savings.
With any new blockchain feature comes a new opportunity for scammers to prey on. This Etherscan messaging feature will easily allow them to send malicious links or online forms to any address, casting their net further and wider. Always remember not to share any confidential information such as passwords, private keys, seed phrases, etc. In view of such risks, Blockscan Chat also has a built-in spam feature where users can block suspicious addresses.
It is still quite early to definitely judge Blockscan Chat. Given that it is still in beta, there is no doubt that Blockscan will continue to develop this feature to complement Etherscan’s existing capabilities. Head over to Blockscan Chat and start chatting away!