Earlier this year, Meta unveiled plans to introduce NFTs to its platforms, using the Polygon blockchain to extend its reach into the Web3 space. Now, you can use any wallet which supports ERC721 tokens to display and interact with NFTs across Facebook and Instagram.
Meta Newest Update Introduces NFTs
Wondering how you can show your NFTs on Meta’s social media? The process is simple. To share your digital collectibles on Facebook and Instagram you must link your wallet to the platform. As long as your wallet supports ERC721 tokens – such as MetaMask, WalletConnect, CoinBase, etc – you can connect to the app. Once connected, you have the ability to choose which NFTs you would like to showcase. There are no fees associated with this feature.
At the moment this feature is only available to U.S users. However, International users fear not – testing to post NFTs across international users’ profiles has been in progress since last year. So, it is only a matter of time before this new feature is rolled out globally.
The Future for Facebook, Instagram, and NFTs
There are big plans in the works for the use of NFTs within Meta. One feature in development is ‘See in AR’, making NFTs Spark AR compatible. Through this, you can display your 2D NFTs anywhere in your own home using mobile AR. So if you are trying to find the perfect place in your home to display a physical print of your digital asset, this will help you find that sweet spot.
Additionally, Meta will strive to add features allowing anyone to post NFTs using any blockchain and wallet. At present, the blockchains supported are Ethereum and Polygon, with Flow and Solana coming soon. The hope is that by implementing this technology, Meta will attract a whole range of users from those who live and breathe NFTs to those who have never before ventured into Web3. The digital art will be there for everyone to see, providing an easy entrance into the world of NFTs.
Movement into the Metaverse
Back in Q2 of 2022, Meta reported that 2.87 billion people were using either Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger daily. Many people are using more than one a day. Therefore, the digital giant plans to expand the reach of Web3 by introducing it to its expansive audience.
Meta is merging the Metaverse across its platforms with Polygon as its partner. In April of this year, Polygon launched their ‘Green Manifesto’, announcing plans to be carbon negative by the end of 2022. For this reason, Meta chose to work with Polygon as its primary blockchain. The social media company will also aim to reduce the emissions impact on Instagram by purchasing renewable energy.
To stay up to date with Meta’s latest movements in the Metaverse follow their blog here. Alternatively, follow the Meta Twitter account here.