Big Time Studios has announced that they will begin selling Space NFTs. The in-game NFts will allow players to create a universe within the multiverse of Big Time, the multiplayer action role-playing game (RPG). Anyone interested in securing one of these special NFTs needs to apply to the pre-listing.
The Big Time game is unique and has an all-star team working around the clock. Some of the team have previously worked at huge companies such as EA, Riot, Epic Games and Blizzard. Big Time is not a flash in the pan game, and it has some serious backing. The hope is that Big Time Space NFts will further solidify their market.
According to their website, the company aims to be the “next-generation, multiplayer AAA entertainment where players control their virtual assets”.
The popularity of the game and the triple-A team means that mass adoption has never been closer. The game itself is a dedicated cooperative RPG. Players join forces and travel through space and time. On this adventure, they uncover threats that challenge their very existence.
In Big Time, players receive Time Machines. These machines serve as inventories, allowing users to see their achievements and any loot they have collected along the way, similar to the Dr Who Tardis. The new Big Time Space NFTs will act as extensions for these virtual spaces.
Furthermore, Big Time Space NFTs will include various add-ons. In addition to extending the time machine, these add-ons could prove very significant as they can give a player extra luck, boosting their chances of discovering rare loot.