Multiple U.S. federal agencies form Darknet Marketplace and Digital Currency Crimes Task Force to crack down on darknet criminals and cryptocurrency crimes. Let’s take a look at what is happening.
- U.S. federal agencies unite to combat crimes in the darknet and cryptocurrency world. With a focus on drug trafficking, money laundering, child exploitation, and also personal data theft.
- Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Arizona, U.S. Attorney’s Office, IRS Criminal Investigations, DEA, and U.S. Postal Inspection Service form the Darknet Marketplace and Digital Currency Crimes Task Force. The task force has been working on its alliance to investigate darknet activities since 2017.
- With HSI’s international presence in 56 countries, the task force targets darknet criminals, sending a clear message that illegal activities will face prosecution and penalties.

U.S. Federal Agencies Target Darknet Criminals
Darknet Criminals Crackdown
Multiple U.S. federal enforcement agencies have united in a major crackdown on criminal activities, forming the Darknet Marketplace and Digital Currency Crimes Task Force. This development shows a higher focus on fighting these crimes. These crimes include, drug trafficking, money laundering, child exploitation, and also personal data theft.
So, Who is Involved in the Task Force?
The Darknet Marketplace and Digital Currency Crimes Task Force brings together Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Arizona, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigations, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. These agencies have been working together since 2017. Furthermore, their strengthened alliance formalises their joint efforts to investigate crimes involving cryptocurrencies.
Additionally, the rise of digital currencies has provided criminals with new ways to participate in illegal activities. The task force’s primary goal is breaking up criminal organisations, exploiting Web3 technologies and the darknet’s hidden identity.
Special Agent in Charge Scott Brown of HSI Arizona stated, “HSI and our partners have been working at the forefront of combating criminal activities facilitated through the use of cryptocurrency on dark web marketplaces and other anonymous platforms. Moreover, this task force will have impactful repercussions on those criminal operators who attempt to grow their businesses and launder the illicit proceeds through advancing technology.“
The Darknet Marketplace and Digital Currency Crimes Task Force shows a global approach, using HSI’s international presence in 56 countries. As a result, U.S. law enforcement sends a clear message to darknet criminals that illegal activities will be seen and met with penalties.