The Jackson Pollock Studio, renowned for preserving the works of the illustrious 20th-century painter, turns to the blockchain. The studio just released an NFT collection, titled “Beyond the Edge,” in collaboration with the Web3 art collective, Iconic Moments.
- The Jackson Pollock Studio, in collaboration with the Web3 art collective, Iconic Moments, has released an NFT collection titled “Beyond the Edge.” The collection digitizes Pollock’s masterpieces, offering a unique perspective into his creative process.
- The collection includes 100 digital artworks. Each has a corresponding physical print and a series of Bitcoin-based NFTs. They will also have access to a gamified experience where players can win digital artwork and print through a Web3 puzzle and Pollock trivia.
- This venture signifies a growing trend in the traditional art world, with artists increasingly embracing Web3 to expand their work’s reach and connect with collectors. They are following in the footsteps of artists like Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons.
All About the Jackson Pollock NFTs
The collection features a hundred digital artworks. Each is accompanied by a corresponding physical print, offering a unique perspective into Pollock’s creative process. Notably, it includes four unique views of Pollock’s studio floor, the very space where the artist created his iconic splatter and drip paintings.
Further, the digital artworks incorporate elements from Pollock’s famous pieces, including “Number 3,” “Blue Poles,” and “Convergence,” which are currently housed in museums worldwide.
Moreover, the collection goes beyond just digital and physical art pieces. It also includes a series of 100 Ordinals (Bitcoin-based NFTs) and Pollock-inspired interpretations from NFT artists.
Adding an element of interactivity, a gamified experience is also part of the package, where players can engage in a Web3 puzzle and Pollock trivia to win a digital artwork and print.
Revitalizing Pollock’s work
Helen A. Harrison, director of the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center, expressed her enthusiasm for the project. She stated that “Beyond the Edge” revitalizes Pollock’s work by giving it a new home on-chain.
Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of using artifacts to inspire creativity. She thinks that it is a way to keep the space alive. It also reminds people that art history is not static but preserved and living.
The collection’s focus on Pollock’s studio floor is particularly noteworthy. It offers a glimpse into the dynamism of Pollock’s process, bringing buyers closer to the artist. Harrison explained, “The spillover on Pollock’s floor is analogous to the gestures in his canvases. You can relate his process directly to the product.”
This venture follows in the footsteps of artist Damien Hirst’s NFT spot paintings collection, “The Currency,” and sculptor Jeff Koons’ crypto-inspired NFT collection.